Im obese what should i do

This is not to say that all commercial diet programmes are unsafe. Many are based on sound medical and scientific principles and can work well for some people. Read about the pros and cons of different diets. A very low calorie diet VLCD is where you consume less than calories a day. These diets can lead to rapid weight loss, but they are not a suitable or safe method for everyone, and they are not routinely recommended for managing obesity.

VLCDs are usually only recommended if you have an obesity-related complication that would benefit from rapid weight loss. VLCDs should not usually be followed for longer than 12 weeks at a time, and they should only be used under the supervision of a suitably qualified healthcare professional. Reducing the amount of calories in your diet will help you lose weight, but maintaining a healthy weight requires physical activity to burn energy. As well as helping you maintain a healthy weight, physical activity also has wider health benefits.

The Chief Medical Officers recommend that adults should do a minimum of minutes moderate-intensity activity a week — for example, 5 sessions of minute exercise a week. Something is better than nothing, and doing just 10 minutes of exercise at a time is beneficial. Moderate-intensity activity is any activity that increases your heart and breathing rate, such as:. Alternatively, you could do 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity a week, or a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

During vigorous activity, breathing is very hard, your heart beats rapidly and you may be unable to hold a conversation. Examples include:. You should also do strength exercises and balance training 2 days a week. This could be in the form of a gym workout, carrying shopping bags, or doing an activity such as tai chi.

It's also critical that you break up sitting sedentary time by getting up and moving around. Your GP, weight loss adviser or staff at your local sports centre can help you create a plan suited to your own personal needs and circumstances, with achievable and motivating goals. Start small and build up gradually.

It's also important to find activities you enjoy and want to keep doing. Activities with a social element or exercising with friends or family can help keep you motivated. Make a start today — it's never too late. Read more about the physical activity guidelines for adults and the physical activity guidelines for older adults.

You may need to exercise for longer each day to prevent obesity or to avoid regaining weight if you've been obese. To prevent obesity, minutes of moderate-intensity activity a day is recommended. To avoid regaining weight after being obese, you may need to do minutes of activity each day.

Your GP or weight loss adviser will be able to advise you further about the type of exercise you should do and for how long taking into account your current fitness level and individual circumstances. It is an achievement for a severely obese person to walk the entire length of a marathon in one go. The marathon had officially ended hours before she crossed the finishing line — the stands removed, the organisers gone.

The last participant to complete the race, several hours before Chastain, was a woman in her 70s. Of course, everyone has to start from their own fitness level. When I weighed kg and was more or less unable to move for six months, average sporting achievements were as likely for me as breaking Olympic records.

In the first few months, I was proud of reaching various milestones, such as walking for half an hour without stopping, or spending 20 minutes on a bike for the first time in years. But declaring your own, below-average performance to be an objective record, and therefore to claim that any improvement is unnecessary, will only stop you — and others — from tackling the problem of excess weight.

This statement is fat-logical only when referring to people who are not underweight or for whom losing weight would mean they would become underweight. Let me start with my own experience. When I weighed kg, there was no one who seriously claimed that losing weight would not be a good idea for me. But apart from my mother, as far as I can remember, in all those years nobody ever asked me about my weight.

My weight was the elephant in the room, which no one mentioned — until I brought it up myself. I lost my first 40kg 6st in secret, without anyone noticing.

At over kg, I was still very much within the obese range, but others saw it quite differently. I must be done with my diet now, right? A neighbour who saw me gardening worriedly asked my husband how much I now weighed and asked him please to make sure I ate more. It was ironic: when I was sick and almost bedridden at kg, no one ever expressed concern or commented on my weight in any way.

And then, when I lost 40kg, was able to walk again and feeling better than I had for years, people started to get worried about my health. It was as if my body had suddenly become a public forum, after years of having been a taboo subject. Why is it so socially acceptable to criticise someone for losing weight? Things that can genuinely be explained by genetics are appetite, preferences for certain flavours such as sweet or fatty and the natural urge to be physically active.

Several studies have shown that carriers of so-called obesity genes consume on average kcal a day more and have no differences in their metabolic rates. To say that some children have a genetic propensity towards obesity means only that they have an inherently larger appetite than naturally slim children, who feel hungry less often. What is the difference between being overweight and being obese?

How is your kidney health? Use our online curriculum to get individualized information for your stage of kidney disease. Enter Kidney Pathways. How do I know if I'm overweight or obese? How is BMI calculated? In adults: BMI is calculated from your height and weight. To find your BMI, multiply your weight in pounds by Then, divide the result by your height in inches and divide that result by your height in inches a second time. A BMI between 25 and It does not directly measure body fat.

As a result, some people with muscular builds, such as athletes, may have a BMI that identifies them as being overweight even though they do not have excess body fat. In children and teens: To find your child or teen's BMI, ask your healthcare provider. BMI for children and teens is calculated differently than it is for adults.

This is because children are still growing, and boys and girls mature at different rates. The child or teenager's height and weight is compared against growth charts that take age and sex into account. The result shows how a child or teenager's BMI-for-age percentile compares with other boys and girls of the same age.

The 85th to less than 95th percentile is considered overweight The 95th percentile or greater is considered obese. Does it matter where the excess weight is located?

Eckel, who is also professor of medicine and Charles A. Eckel said. Talk to your doctor about the health benefits and the risks of treatment options for extreme obesity:. Change your diet. You may be referred to a dietician who can help you with a plan to lose one to two pounds per week. To lose weight, you have to reduce the number of calories you consume. Start by tracking everything you eat. Consider adding physical activity after reaching a minimum of 10 percent weight-loss goal.

Some people can benefit from medication to help with weight loss for extreme obesity. Keep in mind that medication can be expensive and have side effects. The American Heart Association recommends surgery for those who are healthy enough for the procedure and have been unsuccessful with lifestyle changes and medication.


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